It’s late and things blend together, time, flights, the landscape we’ve flown over or through (the approach to Paro had us flying low in a valley with mountain tops above us and the narrow valley floor not that far below). For the last two days our crew has been making its way toward the country of Bhutan picking up speed and gaining size stopping over for a short night in Bangkok to pick up Mike Sakas and then on to Bhutan where Thomas Kelly would join us. Tomorrow morning our team is going to head in to the offices of Save the Children for our first meet up with the staff and later on, our first meeting with half the class. But before we jumped completely in to the chilly water, we traveled to Thimpu and got a chance to see a little bit of the town (Buddha Point, the convent, the prayer hall, and the folk restaurant museum) and we got to eat some ridiculously good food! The traditional dishes were all fresh and spicy and though we don’t remember all of the names, I’m pretty sure I’ve NEVER thought of Jalapeño peppers as a vegetable to be eaten LIKE a vegetable! This traditional Bhutanese dish is exactly like those fancy cut green bean casseroles someone always makes at thanksgiving…y’know, the one with the cream of mushroom soup and the fried onions on top. Only this time, no fried onions, no mushroom soup and instead of green beans, someone shredded Jalapeño-like peppers and turned them into a main vegetable. HOT!!!!
We are off tomorrow to meet the students and staff at Save the Children and get things started. I think it’s going to be a whole lot of AWESOME!
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