Our first critique of the workshop was a great success!
The students shared their top three images from yesterday and I dare say that they exceeded our expectations! The images were spectacular! They challenged depth of field, composition, and perspective. They were both creative and adventurous. Seems as though we have some students on our hands that may just be photographically fearless.
This week we’re extremely lucky and not only have extra instructors joining us, but, also have a handful of advanced students that have stayed to help mentor this beginning class. As motivation, they presented one of their slideshows from last week to the class. It was a great opportunity for the new students to get a taste of what they’ll be producing at the end of this workshop.
Fred, Sarah, and Rick led a discussion about ISO and compensating your camera for the available light. We bounced from outdoors to indoors to play with silhouettes and different lighting scenarios. The students came back in for a presentation from Danny, one of the teachers this week, to see his personal and professional work. The day wrapped with a very eager download and edit. The students couldn’t wait to see what they had photographed today. Take a look at the slideshow below to get a glimpse into our day!
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