Usually when we have an advanced class, we ask 4 or 5 of the students if they would like to come help with the Beginners class the following week. This week, we have nearly ALL of the students from the advanced class returning! It is such a treat!
Typically when we do this we have 4 students from the advanced class who stick around to be teaching assistants, and we pair one students assistant to each instructor and their group for the entire week. This week, we have THREE teaching assistants with each instructor and even have TWO guys helping with the tech stuff!!! There are a lot more bodies than we’re used to…so it’s busy…a little chaotic even, but it’s really great getting to have the extra time with the students! Not to mention how great it is having so many students floating around behind the newcomers making sure that they are staying up to speed.
Whether they were looking at images over shoulders or modeling for the new students, the advanced students are getting into it and more importantly, the new batch of students seem to be were keeping up and holding their own.
An interesting element of this group is that, while we usually have thousands of images to look through at the end of each day…these guys don’t seem to shoot much. We did have one or two kids shoot in the 4-500 day range, but most of the students are down to 200…some even less than that. And they are still shooting a good number of usable images and it’s only day 1! That’s pretty impressive! Maybe these guys are just more naturally sensitive to the trigger…or possibly more lucky.
We are pretty excited to see what we’re getting at the end of the week from these kids!