Home > Monterrey Workshop > Saturday, August 11 2018: Day 8 – Graduation

This one will be brief because we are going to get straight into wraping things up for the workshop and (hopefully) get to bed to get some sleep before our flights tomorrow.  But graduation was a smash hit.  The slideshows looked fabulous, the Minister for Culture and Education gave a wonderful, glowing response to the work presented by the students, the auditorium was full, and after the show, dozens if not 100+ people walked the gallery to look at the

student’s work!  It was fantastic!

And of course, after the graduation ceremony: selfies.  I generally hate taking selfies but after a graduation, when students are in high spirits and on top of the day, I love to get a shot with as many of the kids as I can round up.  We usually use an app to add some silly effect and most often I default to face swaps.  One of these days, I’ll post a gallery of all of my favorite ones.  I think of it as the whipped cream to a hectic, intense, fun week.

I’d like to speak directly for a moment to everyone who follows the blog and the work of our team.  We couldn’t do what we do without the support of our families and friends.  I’d like to tak ea second to say thank you for your years of support and we hope that in some way, you are encouraged and thrilled by the work the students produce during this week.  We know we are.

We didn’t take many images from the show since it was so much chaos, but here are a few so you can see what it was like.  Hasta luego for now and we’ll see you guys in Greece in December!


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