A quick bit of housekeeping: yesterday when I wrote the blog, I totally forgot to mention one of the amazing women who put this thing together…Viridiana Reynoso please forgive me! Without you, we wouldn’t be here!!!
For those of you who have been following us for a while, you probably have our recipe dialed in by now. In the advanced workshop, we follow the same basic structure as in the beginner’s workshop with one major difference, the students focus on a story opposed to a technique. Fred always likes to say, that photography is like riding a bike; for a short while you spend all your time learning how to ride and once you’ve got the fundamentals down, it’s all about where you want to go. That’s the essential idea behind our Advanced workshop, except it’s all about “what do you want to say?” So, today’s critique looked like any other except that we were trying to assess what our students were able to capture yesterday and discuss the greater needs of each group’s assigned story. We also wanted to get an idea of how the kids were doing, and how much, if any, review that would be needed. However, true to the bike analogy, they got right back to it!
After our critique, we broke down into small groups to talk about what types of images we had and the elements of a visual story. Mike shared a story from the NY Times One in 8 Million series (The Type A Teenager: http://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/packages/html/nyregion/1-in-8-million/index.html?) and Wendy walked us through the editing process and the visual components of a story. We talked about establishing shots, details, actions, emotions, and how these images side-by-side could lead the viewer through a story.
The groups split out to their locations, 2 going back to the equestrian therapy ranch and the others going to a school for children with Down syndrome. TEDI (http://tedi.org.mx) is a school with services for children and juveniles: one of the incredible programs in Monterrey dedicated to the idea of inclusion and providing for children and their families a better quality of life. The kids at TEDI were so incredibly sweet and our students hit it off with them fantastically. A couple of them even had cameras and when they saw the bigger kids photographing around, they joined in! Seeing them connect and watching the students working together was an all-time workshop highlight!
We ran back to class to finish the day with our download and quick edit to select images for tomorrow’s critique. Check out the student’s images below and some fun behind the scenes for a deeper look into what we were up to today;
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