Home > Lisbon Workshop > Lisbon 2018 – Advanced Day 2 – Onward and Upward…

We started this morning by finishing off the editing leftover from yesterday’s images and moved into a critique of the student’s work. Compared to the general newness to photography that comes with our beginning workshops, our advanced students are typically far improved but tend to be a little rusty due to the time in between our sessions…which is completely normal not to mention expected. However, not these kids here…we did our quick technical review, got cameras in hands and these guys just started hitting! On every shot! Ok…maybe not every shot, but the hit rate was pretty high and it’s obvious that these guys have been shooting while we were away.

If you have been following our blog about these workshops you’ll be familiar with one of our partners, the Aga Khan Foundation(AKF). This trip we are working closely to their Portugal center as we have in the past. AKF Portugal has a stellar continuing education program and not only did most of the kids return to the program, most of them have had quite a bit of time shooting on our old cameras we left behind! It was great to see that they stuck with it and have reaffirmed our belief that the continuing education really is the way to go! It makes SUCH a HUGE difference! Like we always say though, have a look at the images yourself and see if they don’t tell the tale.

After class today we went out for our second shoot. This time, the groups split into 4 as they continued to photograph the changing face of Lisbon. Wendy’s Gang (as they’re calling themselves) heading over to the old shipyard, Fred’s group heading over the hill to the gates of the castle, and Thomas and Esha’s group joined them near the top of the city.

It’s probably going to be a much harder shoot today for everyone, but we’ll see if they can pull it off…onwards and upwards!

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