The students are back!
It’s funny how intense an experience it is to be reunited with people that you haven’t seen in a long time. For us, seeing our students again is always the biggest joy…so it shouldn’t come as any surprise, but somehow the intensity of the reunion still catches us unaware. It is so good to see these guys again!
Over the last year our students have been continually shooting and creating some absolutely stellar work! One of the students even showed up with a book that she printed compiled of her homework from last year! And of course, they’ve also all gotten so much bigger…
Our first day back and we’re already diving into a tough shoot! Unlike the beginner workshop, the advanced students focus on a concept and story rather than technique and mechanics. So these guys hit the streets running in search of imagery to tell the story; this session focusing around the changing landscape of Lisbon. Often, when our students are tasked with shooting a specific location or subject they hone in and focus on the finer details forgetting to look at the bigger picture or what their series could become. This however, is where preparation comes in handy…our local team was ready and was not only briefed about each location and it’s potential contribution, but also for our future locations and the contrasts they would provide. Equipped with this information and their imagination, the students hit the pavement in search of the story.
This session is unlike any before in the sense that we thought we’d implement a slightly different approach to the logistics of the workshop. One of our challenges is often being out on location at the absolute worst time of day to photograph – underneath the mid-day sun. So to avoid this, we headed out a little bit later and stayed a bit longer to catch some of that beautiful late afternoon light. And it totally paid off!!! The challenge however, was that we were then behind schedule for our download/edit/critique. Realizing this we charged home, downloaded, and started editing when things were cut short by the end of day whistle. So we’ll have to pick up where we left off with the edit and critique in the morning…which means, you’ll just have to wait until tomorrow to see what we’ve got!
Stay tuned!
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