It seemed a little weird to me that we would begin our longest day of photography for the week with an hour-long walk at 6AM, but our students were somehow up for it. Yesterday, I got up way too early in the morning (thanks to jet lag) and went for a walk by myself up into the forest behind the resort to see the early morning sunrise. This morning, I was joined by Sarah, a couple of chaperones, and eight of the boys for a walk into the coffee-covered hills…for those who know me well, the only better start to my day than a walk through a sun-kissed coffee plantation might be a coffee-flavored shower.
Later in the morning, we embarked on an epic day of on-location photography that had us covering a carpentry school in La Dalia, an art education program in Rancho Granda, and a teacher training in El Cua (these are all rural communities surrounding La Sombra, where we are staying). The travel time to some of our locations was nearly 3 hours round trip– and once we reached each location, we definitely had our work cut out for us. But the students nailed their shots! On several occasions I wanted to check to see if my team had somehow sneakily set their cameras on automatic as they were making such great exposures in difficult situations. You’re gonna love these images!
Here are a few photos from our location shots to give you an idea of what the students accomplished today… they have come so far already!
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