The toil is starting to take it’s toll, as some of our students are beginning to show signs of fatigue: we’re all a little slower, later, and more bedraggled this morning. But today is our final assignment day and we’re going to power through with some excellent locations.
Our first stop this morning was a textiles dyeing facility that has been in operation in Monterrey for 4 generations! Honestly, you just have to see the photos, but this place was a photographers candy store: the bright colors, the shapes, light, textures, and all the old machinery! Instructor and student alike could have spent the entire day there but our second location was calling.
If you have been paying attention, you’ll know that the weather has taken a turn toward the chilly and Monterrey is no exception! The high was projected to reach 6 degrees celsius today and it drizzled all day. Sounds like a great day to photograph a car was right? Well, come rain or shine, the Fred Roberts Photography Workshops will go on, and what could have been a total bust, became an event to rival our first location.
And as hard as THAT is to believe, we finished the hat-trick of exciting locations, by visiting the kitchens of three very different types: One a bakery, one an employee kitchen, and one a michelin star restaurant! The sights and smells. Our best day yet despite the challenge of a car wash in the rain!
Student images